Sunday, January 31, 2010

Costochondritis And Periodontal Disease Tips For Calming Costochondritis And Anxiety?

Tips for calming costochondritis and anxiety? - costochondritis and periodontal disease

I received a diagnosis of costochondritis my doctor, but I get very worried and that makes things worse. It is a vicious circle.

Can each share some tips (that really work: D) I am able to calm my anxiety and expense.

Any help is welcome.

Thank you.


Isak Ravn said...

Hello Bob ...

You see, the problem of fear is exactly as you describe a vicious circle.

You anxius anxius you get on, right?

I was in the same situation as you some time. Too bad.
I meditation to cope with the anxiety of the situation to be.
You focus on your breating and try to experience all the sensations in your body. It can help you get the country back.

But not cure your problem over the long term.
What is You Can Do (I DID) to take matters in hand and deal with the problem for some time and spend a cure.

You need a strategy and a mentor, offcourse.

I have a book that I bought online. It was hard to live a little, but I decided that I wouldnt enymore a slave to my fear.

I really hope again to get over it and live fulfilling lives.

Abbuzzy said...

Take a chill pill.

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